
Tigerlily finally kidded last night at 10:00, just as I was about to give up and shuffle off to bed. She had to kid during a snowstorm too. But this adorable ball of fluff was totally worth all the nonsense Tigerlily put us through! Introducing Snowball!   

Seventh annual Hassey “Goat Vacation” Day 6: The Unicorn Wood

Our original plan for Day 6 was to hike to Williams Lake far above Taos. It was supposed to be a sunny day with temps in the 60’s, but the morning dawned cold, foggy, and overcast with snow still spitting fitfully from the sky. The mountains behind our cabin had a dusting of snow, and I knew … Continue reading Seventh annual Hassey “Goat Vacation” Day 6: The Unicorn Wood

Seventh annual Hassey “Goat Vacation” Day 3: The Cave and the Overlook

The ultimate destination for our goat vacation was Taos, NM. We rented a nice cabin through AirBnB which turned out to be perfect for bringing our goats. It was in a farming area with cows in the pasture next door, and there was enough area in our yard to tether the goats out when we … Continue reading Seventh annual Hassey “Goat Vacation” Day 3: The Cave and the Overlook