Even worse than coal or switches, my goats got STOCKS in their stocking this Christmas! Our girls were fast growing out of the old wooden stanchion, and not one of the boys could fit in it any more. Here is Nubbin modeling it for you… she likes it. Getting put in the stocks is a treat if there’s food involved!
Tigerlily got a new used collar for Christmas. Every goat on our place graduates to a studded leather collar at their first Christmas. This one is an heirloom from Tigerlily’s grandmother, Lilly, who Tigerlily is partially named for.

And just because she’s the cutest little angel goat ever…
Petunia got a lock of Delilah’s hair for Christmas. She was very proud of it, but unfortunately I don’t think Delilah gave it voluntarily. Naughty Petunia!
Tigerlily really is the cutest goat ever!