And the rains came…

We have been blessed with a cool, wet spring, but although it was enough to make the grass grow long and green, it was not enough to fill the pond or make the creeks flow as they should in springtime. Yesterday and today that changed. The rain moved in around 2:00 in the afternoon and it didn’t stop. It rained and rained all afternoon, all evening, and all through the night. When we awoke in the morning it was still raining. It continued until around 10:30 a.m. and then stopped. It was never a hard rain that washed away across the fields and straight into the ditches. It was the slow, steady, soaking kind that saturated the ground and got deep into the roots. By the time it stopped we’d had around 4 inches.

The pond has not been this full since 2017. When we woke up the pile of rocks next to the cow was still on the shore. By late morning the rocks were a little island.

Before the rainstorm, the pond was the size of the red circle and the rest was deep, sucking mud that kept animals from being able to drink from it.

The horses sure are enjoying all this grass! Every day is a feast!

In other news, Mocha ate the Goat-O-Scope last night. I guess being cooped up in the shelter gave her cabin fever and she decided to rewire the thing. I turned on the Goat-O-Scope sometime around 9:00 p.m. and saw a large eyeball staring into it, then a big, whiskered muzzle rooting around. I saw some teeth and a wire being pulled down from its neat little bundle above the camera. I ran downstairs and unplugged the extension cord before she bit into it and shocked herself. (I’m not sure if that’s what would happen but I was concerned.) This morning I found the chewed-up camera cord laying in the straw. It had been ripped right out of the unit and it can’t be fixed so we’ll have to see what we can do to replace it. Snowball is due in a few days and we can’t be without a Goat-O-Scope!

1 thought on “And the rains came…

  1. In much of the country the problem is squirrels chewing through cables. Not so for Phil & Nan! 🤣

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