Monthly Archives: August 2020
Summer Daze
I have done an absolutely dreadful job of keeping this blog up-to-date this summer and to my faithful readers I do apologize. It’s been an exciting summer and we’ve enjoyed these nine kids very much, but I did not get as many photographs as I usually do. In fact, most of them will fit right here in one post!
Little fuzzy-bottons, Butterfly, George, and Zelda all in a row at the end of May.
Little pipsqueak Skipper at just a few days old. I love those wattles!
Coral is a proud mama. And I’m not sure how she does it, but even at three years old she still looks like a baby herself.
Baby scout. He looks a lot different now at three months old!
Sunflower is one of our most adventurous and outgoing kids. Here she is at about a week old, boldly introducing herself to Snowball.
Zelda adopts an interesting sleeping posture! Can this be comfortable?
Sonic definitely looks comfortable here! And he also looks a little like Jabba the Hutt.
These goats look dead.
“Just checking.”
George and Butterfly have always been very close.
Little Ziggy is the sweetest of them all. And since she is also the smallest, it means we were able to pick her up and cuddle her a lot longer than the others.
Scout came up on the porch and enjoyed the swings one afternoon.
Goat Fiddle / Violin Livestream | Aug 23, 2020
Their biggest fans…
I have been very remiss in my blogging duties this summer. Our local saddle club has been going gangbusters since mid-May and when I’m not doing horsey things I’ve preferred to spend my time hanging out with the little kidlets and enjoying their company and watching them grow and play rather than taking pictures of them. It’s been a good summer and one of the highlights was when Phil’s Uncle Steve and Aunt Marianne stopped by for a brief visit at the end of June. Steve and Marianne are two of Goat-O-Rama’s biggest fans and most faithful followers.
They came bearing gifts of pizza-flavored Pringles. Whenever there is food involved, the big boys immediately rush to the front of the line.
Pizza Pringles are a dangerous thing. Marianne was quickly overwhelmed. Funny how just two eager goats can look and feel like a tidal wave of horns and hooves and noses when they are as big as these two!
Phil and I rescued Marianne and dragged Finn and Sputnik off to the pen. They’d hogged enough treats. Sadie is always up for goodies and she is more Marianne’s size.
We took a seat on the rocks and were immediately inundated by the younger set who were still somewhat small enough-ish to climb on laps.
The other kids eventually drifted off, but Sonic is our most outgoing kid and he couldn’t get enough of Steve. The chips were sort of interesting…
… But it’s people that hold Sonic’s fascination.
Sonic loves a good conversation.
Add a hat to the discussion and the entertainment possibilities are endless!
I could still pick the little monster up at the end of June.