Goat Fiddle Livestream – New arrivals: Hawkins & Isabella!
Get ready for some fun this afternoon! New kids, a hike, goat tower fun, and a new exciting piece of yard art!https://youtu.be/5ESQ6e_KhRk -Phil
Get ready for some fun this afternoon! New kids, a hike, goat tower fun, and a new exciting piece of yard art!https://youtu.be/5ESQ6e_KhRk -Phil
The last two kids of the season were born on June 4th at dusk. Mocha hung around in the pen all day and picked out a nice cozy little corner where she dug herself a pit to lay in. And then she laid in it. And did nothing else. Phil and I kept waiting for … Continue reading Girls Rule!
We we were a little tired on Wednesday after delivering these wee ones in the wee hours, but they were worth it! With a little help from me pulling on their legs, Snowball delivered a big, strong baby boy followed by a small but also strong baby girl. Both kids were up and nursing in … Continue reading Snowball Snowballed!
New arrivals came around 12:30/1:00 this morning! Snowball blessed us with a lovely two-tone chamoise buckling (9 lbs.) and a stunning white and black spotted doeling (7 lbs.). Everyone is doing well! It was a full super moon last night and the sky was clear and the air was warm. I took Dusty out for … Continue reading They came in on a moonbeam